A downloadable game for Windows

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Chapter 3's final version is now out for everyone! There are so many new scenes that it's hard to keep track of. A walk through might come up sometime haha.

You can follow me as I develop the game on my PatreonPixiv,  orDeviantart. Everyone's feedback has helped me develop the game, so if you have any questions, concerns, or recommendations I'm always open to discussions!


Welcome to Chapter 3 of our adventure into bondage and horror! Follow the story of Nancy, a clever girl aiming to one day be a doctor and mother. A compassionate girl, she quickly fell in love with the owner of the Lancaster Hotel.  However her Dream of one day raising a big family while practicing medicine may be placed on hold as the insidious grasp of the Undertow takes hold on her life. Will she escape unharmed, or will she lose everything?

What fetishes will be explored? Glad you asked!

  • Bondage
  • Tentacles
  • Yuri
  • Damsel in distress
  • Sticky/Goo
  • Medical
  • Humiliation

And much more!

Quick warning: Sometimes your virus check will come up with rpgmaker games. Just add it to the exception list :)

Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
(37 total ratings)
Tagsbondage, Fantasy, Female Protagonist, Horror, Lesbian, NSFW, Pixel Art, RPG Maker, Story Rich, Yuri


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Chapter 3.zip 430 MB


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I'm not sure if you still check these but I love the game. I only have one small (or not so small) issue where the game doesn't let me save at all. If I have to be in a special location to do so I would love to know cause I can't get through the whole game without losing in one sitting so I am forced to restart every time I want to play.

Hey there, thanks for the kind words! So it's been a long time but you should be able to save from the main menu. I don't think I ever made it so that you had to be a in a specific area to save. Are you able to find the menu to save and the saves are just deleting themselves?

Its weird, I can get to the save menu but as soon as I hit the actual save button in any of the files it just makes a “buzzer” sound cue and doesn’t save. I saw that some people were having issues saving so I tried redownloading from a different browser but it still doesn’t work. If there is something I could try I would love it.

Deleted 300 days ago

Thanks for all the compliments! I really went pretty hard with atmosphere on this game but I was still rather new to gamedev. Hopefully when I remake it the creepy vibes are even better :)

Hey ,I really loved how Nancy asks Tamara to gag her, I'd love some more of voluntary kinky bondage in this series similar to Nancy's dream .Very excited for the remake!!!!!!!!!Can you please give us an approximate date of when the remake may get release :)!!Can't wait for it!!

(1 edit) (+1)

later she brushes her teeth and the rooms change: rather than telling the player that the lights are flickering they should actually be flickering. flickering lights have a huge impact on the atmosphere of a game, such as this.

(1 edit) (+1)

the tunnel at the beginning is a lil too easy, the fuse's location should have been in a random box where the yummy tentacles are at....also the lights should have been out, that was the point of the fuse afer all.....


O.M.G the atmosphere of the third part is no much better! more creepy I mean~


and your timing has inproved.


FINALLY nudity! lol~

(2 edits) (+1)

Hi not sure if your around here still but im playing your game i have just finish both of previous chapter and is probably mid chapter 4 but i cant seem to activate this sparkle on the wall here. apparently im looking for Patricia who my be with Theresa (of course im blanking out on the name X_x)
Either way since the sparkle is on a wall i cant seem to get it. This text activate if you go over the book or computer, but that sparkle no clue why i cant get it. If i click it just move my caracter to the left of the sparkle.

- cant seem to put the image here so i uploaded to imgBB https://ibb.co/wszbKy4

So, it says "Missing files, please reinstall" and it still doesnt work

Ok, nevermind, you can just use chrome instead of opera

Ahh you’re playing in the browser? I honestly didn’t realize you can play RPGmaker games in browser unless you did something special haha.

(1 edit)

I meant download... I tried to download from Oper Edit: Opera

Damn I love your games.

TypeError Cannot read property 'blendModes' of undefined

you know how to fix it ?

Hey thats because of old graphics card drivers. Update the drivers and it should go away ;)

Updating the drivers didn't work for me

Is Chapter 4 going to be released today, or did I interpret your comment wrong?

Yup! In the process of finishing the page up ;)

please make this for android.

For future game I will try :)

(1 edit)

loved it when will chapter 4 be realeased?

Hey there, Chapter 4 gets released next week Friday :)

awesome nice work


Will there be chapter 4?


Yup! The game will have 5 chapters total. Im working on 4 for now.

Is there a release date for chapter 4?

Not at the moment, Im hoping for a late July early August time frame though.

Thank you so much for reply.

Will download a bit later on my computer. Love your art!

Thank you so much :) 

Where's chapter 1 and 2??

They're in my profile, I have them seperate. Would you like a link?

yes please 😍😍

Loved the game so far ❤️


Sorry for the late reply!

No worries, thanks. I'm a fan

Can't review this one :) 

What do you mean?


Found some typos but no real bugs. Any ETA on chapter 4?

I dont at the moment but Im hard at work with it :)

Loved it so far!

Thank you so much :)